Wednesday, December 7, 2016

WW2 Chapter 25 - Letter to His Mother (and Dave's Birthday)

Dave's birthday, August 1944

Dear Mother,

     When last in Honolulu, I tried to find something for Dave's birthday -- naturally there was an extremely limited selection. Naturally a serviceman buys things mostly for his wife or sweetheart -- or both; so the stores "aim to please".

     It was necessary to send it a little early -- so please put it away, unopened, without him knowing of it; -- perhaps you might slip it in the mail box the night before.

     Another shot, Saturday. Have now so much serum in me that all insects fall dead if they so much as fly by. Haven't yet learned to like them. An old boy told the Doctor to go practice on a sand bag before he touched him again.

     It's amazing how you can write a long letter, enclose newspaper clippings, and photographs -- all for 6 cents. If I write more than three pages it requires an extra stamp.

     The shirts came -- and the gum and candy is always nice -- thank you. Especially like the thin one -- it will be much cooler -- perhaps the others will be better after a few washings.

Much love,


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