Sunday, December 25, 2016

WW2 Chapter 7 - Training at Camp Roberts

The two Winchester rifles Franklin used in training, although
in combat he may have used a Springfield


Dear Mother,
     In my letter to Dad, I mentioned that we were going on a hike at 2:00 A.M. Monday. Wednesday, we got back to camp in time for supper -- and then we hiked until midnight; and when we got back, we cleaned our rifles, showered, shaved, -- and went to bed. Thursday night, we had a little practice on the landing net (to teach us how to get on and off troop ships) -- and after that, we had close-order drill. Friday -- G.I. night. Saturday, I was up at 4:30 A.M. for table-waiting detail. This week coming up, we're scheduled to put in an average of 14 hours a day -- and that does not include the time required for eating, other details that always come up, and "G.I. Friday night". [Note: G.I. Friday night may have been when they cleaned their barracks and prepared for inspection]

     Are the pullets and old hens laying any better?

     Enclosed is a magazine picture of the two rifles that we shoot. The M-1 Garand is the one that we always carry with us -- everywhere.

Love, Franklin
Dear Mother,

     Your package came a couple days ago -- and the cake was certainly delicious.
     All theatres have closed down for a week -- I suppose there is some goddamn reason for it -- but I don't know what.

     I have a swell platoon leader (2nd Lt.). He's older than most lieutenants -- about 36 -- and he worked his way up from the bottom -- and he really knows his stuff. He recently came back from the Pacific; so when he says something, I listen -- which is a lot more than I can say for a good many other officers. 


Franklin's mother and sister Nancy, ~December 1943

     I haven't got Christmas presents for any of you -- I suppose I might have bought you some perfume, and Nancy a necklace or handkerchief or something -- but you probably wouldn't have liked my taste -- and exchanging gifts would be rather difficult. However, I'm going to send money -- and you all can get whatever you want. It will be something like this: for you, Dad, and Nancy - $10 each; for David - $15.

     Monday night along about 7:00 P.M., we "start out", and along about 1:00 A.M. we pitch tents, and assume the prone position until 5:00 A.M. We eat at 5:30 A.M., and get back to camp at 6:30 A.M. -- in time to start our day's activities.
Love, Franklin

Merry Christmas to everybody.

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