Sunday, December 18, 2016

WW2 Chapter 14 - Franklin's 19th Birthday

Cutout letter from Franklin's mother (click on images to enlarge)

Top half of letter
Bottom half of letter

Dear Mother,

     Only six more days, and I will once again be in camp. We have been quite fortunate -- there has been only one day and one night when it has really rained.
     That blue letter of yours was very clever -- when I received it I couldn't imagine what it was -- it must have taken considerable time to "construct".

     Will try to get those pictures which you requested when I get back to camp.

     It was swell of you all to send me birthday cards and letters. I hadn't realized I was about to gain another year until I began to get so many letters.

     Sometime very early tomorrow, we start out on a 36 hour problem -- with rifles, mortars, and machine guns, so I was able to steal -- or borrow a few rations while on K.P. -- so with my few candy bars I shouldn't fair too badly.

     Am certainly looking forward to next Saturday -- I guess we have a 25 mile march in.

Love, Franklin

P.S. Had one helluva time getting air mail stamps -- I bought a book specially, but forgot to bring it.

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