Wednesday, December 14, 2016

WW2 Chapter 18 - Fort Ord (and Jazz)

After spending time back home on furlough, Franklin was temporarily reassigned to Fort Ord in central California. Unfortunately, he learns that everyone in his former battalion (B-88) has now been split up and he doesn't know where he will be sent next. However, he does find that the conditions are much better there than at Camp Roberts.


Dear Mother,

     Came straight thru to Frisco -- very amazing. And the plane was hardly more than half full (probably because of mail).
     Haven't yet been assigned to anything -- was just issued blankets, and was told where I might find an empty bed. Actually, since I haven't been assigned, my address is still Roberts.

     B-88 has been broken up. I formerly thought that we'd be together. We'll therefore be assigned to different units, and could be shipped practically anywhere.
     It certainly was wonderful to have been home. Don't think you "slipped up" on any of my food "specialties."

     Will write again soon ---

Love, Franklin

Letter of March 20, 1944


Dear Mother,
     Saturday, we had a course in dry firing -- how to obtain a correct sight picture, to hold it, shoot it -- everything. Seems rather silly after what we went thru at Roberts.

     In your letter you said -- "swing music is of little value at a time like this." You won't believe this, but I don't know what I'd ever do without it; it cheers me up, -- makes me forget what is impossible to forget, -- different songs have definite associations with particular things and experiences. At this moment I am in the library of the main Service Club -- next to the far wall -- so I can listen to the juke box in the cafeteria below.

     This camp certainly seems wonderful -- but perhaps(?) that's because I shipped in from Roberts. The mess halls have been serving reasonably good food -- and enough of it. And we can also buy food. Although the blowing sand is rather annoying, the weather has so far been very nice -- none of that intense cold as at Roberts. We're treated better -- course we're pushed around quite a bit -- but that's the army.

     Went to a very good show, yesterday afternoon -- "Cover Girl" -- a musical comedy -- my favorite show. 
     Glad to hear you've been able to sell the eggs. With those several birds culled out, I'd be interested to know how the production is -- think I'll write Dave a note and get the "inside information".

     For now ---

Love, Franklin 

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