Wednesday, December 28, 2016

WW2 Chapter 4 - Camp Devens (August 1943)

After graduating from high school, Franklin was drafted into the army. In August 1943, he reported to Fort Devens in Massachusetts where he was given the rank of “Private First Class” and a Serial Number of 31338096. At that time Fort Devens was used as the reception center for all draftees from New England. His pay was to be $6.25 per month. This initial experience in the army of course allowed him to keep his wry sense of humor in good form!

Letter of August 23, 1943


Dear Mother,

     We arrived at Devens at 4:30, and since then, have been kept very busy doing nothing -- although the evenings have been completely free. The group I came up with consisted only of 18 year olds and 34, 5, or 6 year old men.

     We were processed today, and "they" signed me up for Air Force Ground Crew -- although that can be very easily changed to infantry -- if they so desire.
     At my interview, I was asked about my hobbies -- it seems that the army is not interested in poultry raisers.
    I am now worth $10,000 for $6.25 a month.

Love, Franklin

Although he recognized his duty to his country, like many of his fellow draftees he desperately wanted to avoid being assigned to the Infantry, as infantrymen often had to perform in the worst conditions with the greatest risk of being killed in action.

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