Monday, December 12, 2016

WW2 Chapter 20 - Assignment to the Seventh Division (May 1944)

In May 1944, Franklin was assigned to his new unit, Company G of the 7th Infantry Division. By this time, the men of the 7th Division were seasoned veterans, having successfully recaptured Attu and Kiska in the Aleutian Islands of Alaska in May 1943, and helping recapture the Marshall Islands in the Central Pacific in January 1944 (see map from Chapter 2). Unfortunately they had suffered numerous casualties, especially at Attu.

Because the men of the 7th Division had experienced difficult combat, including the brutalities of the Japanese soldier and jungle warfare, they probably had an important influence on Franklin and his training.
Hourglass insignia of the 7th Division

Dear Mother,

     Moved again -- the 4th camp in less than two months -- my mail will never catch up to me.

     Have now been assigned to a unit -- finally -- the 7th Division. It is an outfit that has already been at Attu, Kiska, and the Marshalls. It has now been on this island three months, so ---

     As you know, we were replacements for casualties so that B-88 no longer exists -- a few men here, a few men there -- wherever they are needed. This means, then, that some of my buddies are in the 7th -- perhaps in my regiment. In fact, one man -- from, or near Boston, is in my Company.

     Am rather glad that I'm not with some of the old gang -- those "Bostonians" were always so damn noisy, and were constantly fighting among themselves.

     If you have yet looked at my address, you now know that I'm in Company "G." Each Co. actually consists of five platoons -- three rifle, one weapon, and one headquarters. (The weapons consist of machine guns, mortars). Was given a preference, and chose the headquarters. This deals primarily with communications -- so for the moment, at least, that's what I'm in.
     You may -- by now -- have already guessed that the 7th is assigned to the central Pacific.

     Have tried to give you some idea what's "coming off." Naturally I'm always competing with the censor -- so my information must be limited -- hope I have done same with this letter in eyes of censor.

Much love, Franklin

Company G Roster (click to enlarge)

During combat, Company G would be part of the 2nd Battalion, 184th Regiment, 7th Division, 24th Corps, in the 6th U.S. Army.

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