Thursday, December 15, 2016

WW2 Chapter 17 - Graduation from Basic Training and Home Leave (February 1944)

88th Training Battalion (Franklin is in center of third row)

In February 1944, after 17 weeks of basic training at Camp Roberts, Franklin graduated. He was then able to fly home on leave to visit his family. Although there are not many details about his time there, his father took some color slides.


Dear Mother,

     Perhaps when you receive this, I will be on my way across the United States. Don't yet know my shipping day. Most of the men's wives live and work together, and information can sometimes be obtained from them.

     We had our graduation today -- in the rain. First we had a parade and review, then we assembled in #1 theatre, and the battalion and regimental commanders, and general (two stars) spoke to us. And finally we were presented diplomas by our commanding officer. It's all over now.

     That certainly was an excellent assortment of food that you sent me. Everything was fine. I liked the hard chocolate.

     The men that signed for paratroups are shipping out this week-end.

     We had a company party, Thursday -- free beer, speeches, and such.

     2/20: Certainly am glad we aren't starting out on our bivouac -- it has been raining very hard all week-end.

     Went to a dance last night -- it wasn't very good -- and only a five piece orchestra.

     After supper, last night, I went to the Post's civilian cafeteria -- to have supper. It's the first time I've been -- and I had a very delicious plate of ham. That's the first time, I think, in six months that I've had milk in a glass.
     Think we may ship Thursday -- got that at the dance last night ---

Love, Franklin

At home on South Street, February 1944

With Dave, February 1944

With Nancy, February 1944

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