Saturday, December 17, 2016

WW2 Chapter 15 - Back from Bivouac Training

Interestingly, Franklin does not seem to "tone down" the details of his experiences or curtail his language when writing home to his mother. His letters to his sister and brother, on the other hand, are kept more tame.

Dear Mother,

     It certainly feels wonderful to be in camp again -- first thing I did was take a shower (never so much as washed my hands or shaved from Sunday to Friday). Second -- something to eat -- naturally.

     We slept till noon, one day (???) Had a problem from 3:00 A.M. - 7:00 A.M. (next morning); so we were able to sleep from 8-12.

     Went thru another combat reaction course. Each man walked carefully up a draw -- at certain places along the "route", he was fired upon by an expert rifleman -- the bullet striking several inches from the man. He immediately takes cover, and returns his fire (at targets). The course represents a scout travelling ahead of his column -- his mission being to search for enemy patrol and snipers.

Letter of February 13

     Had outpost guard last week. One relief was from 4-6 (A.M.) -- thought I'd freeze (temp. here drops below freezing). During the day, however, the outpost is really a "good deal" -- the hours are four off, two on -- for twenty-four hours.

     We had the most interesting problem the day before we left. The entire battalion formed a rifle unit, and advanced under 105 mm artillery (howitzers) and 30 cal. machine gun fire. Before the machine guns opened up, it was possible to hear the artillery shells whistling overhead.

     That 25 mile march was something. A good part of it was on poor dirt roads -- which made it rather "rugged". We still marched 19 miles in 5 1/2 miles [hours] -- with full field packs, rifle, gas mask, bayonets, steel helmets, cartridge belt, and canteen. When we reached camp, we were met by a band -- and it marched with us to our barracks. I never would believe that it could be done unless I saw it myself.

     That night I went to a dance -- "crashed the party," to be exact. It was the Frisco gang again -- only my "girl friend" wasn't there.

     Thanks for calling Saturday -- certainly was wonderful to hear you all again -- wish Dave might have been there.

     Haven't had much time to ourselves this week-end -- have been busy doing some goddamn thing -- hope to take in a late show tonight.

Love, Franklin

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