Tuesday, December 20, 2016

WW2 Chapter 12 - Rain

Only some of Franklin's many letters have been reproduced for this blog, and these have been further abridged for space. However, his correspondence to his family usually included at least one of three subjects:
  • his poultry back home and their egg production;
  • how much he disliked K.P. (kitchen patrol) duty and other "such foolishness"; and especially,
  • how much he disliked being in the rain.
Ironically, this last subject would be both a curse and a blessing for him later in the war.

Dear Mother,
     It rains in the east -- but it could never compete with the "dew" in California. One day last week we started out for the hand grenade range. Some time after we started we were all drenched from the waist down. They finally decided to bring us back at noon. After dinner, we changed our shoes and clothes -- and went out once again. I had just had my dress (wool) uniform cleaned (we pay for it) -- so naturally I was happy to get them wet and muddy. 

     Wednesday I put on my driest pair of shoes -- and we set out for one of the rifle ranges -- it rained off and on all day. We were on a two day bivouac -- so we stayed out that night. It wasn't long before it really began to rain -- all our blankets got wet -- and also our shoes. All day we tramped thru mud and water, going to and from different "stations" or classes. Most of us have overshoes, but some of us don't -- and I'm one of the some. However, when it rains as hard as it did the other day, overshoes are a hindrance since they hold water.
Love, Franklin

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