Monday, December 26, 2016

WW2 Chapter 6 - Arrival at Camp Roberts (October 1943)

Enclosed Postcard, "Returning from Inspection"

In early October 1943, Franklin was relocated to Camp Roberts in central California, where he would spend the next six months training with the 88th Battalion.


Dear Mother and Dad,

     When we left Devens -- the second day out -- we were pretty sure that we were bound for California. Naturally we hoped that it wouldn't be infantry -- and anything but Camp Roberts. Well, we soon found out that we were in the infantry; and we are now at Camp Roberts -- 150 miles south of McQuaide. Camp Roberts -- completely surrounded by barren hills -- and where the normal temperature during the day is 100 degrees in the shade. I can't understand why anyone would ever want to go to California.
     We don't start training until the 18th. Until then, we've got to be kept busy doing something -- anything. Today we piled little stones in a radius of 5' around the shrubs, etc. I can only guess what other foolishness we'll have to do ---
    I suppose by now it's getting a little cooler, there -- is the grass still growing? ---

Love, Franklin

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