Friday, December 23, 2016

WW2 Chapter 9 - A Christmas Visitor, Part 2

Franklin's Father (Franklin II)

Dearest Phyllis,

     Arrived here at camp after a long 7 1/2 hour ride on the bus yesterday afternoon. Obtained a pass at the gate and received directions to the 88th Battalion headquarters. Was very lucky as Franklin's company were just returning from a 70 miles truck training "expedition" and I saw Franklin marching in with his company just as I arrived. Franklin hurried over to see me when he learned I was there -- just time to say hellow. It was wonderful to see him.

Letter home from Franklin's father, December 24, 1943

     I then returned to the guest house, cleaned up and waited the rest of the afternoon for Franklin. About 6:30 he arrived when we went to the USO club together for a fine turkey dinner.

     Franklin looks fine. Is acting sergeant, although has not received any title or rating.

      Had breakfast at the USO this morning and went to see Lt. McCulley's office for a "chat". Also met Capt. Bryant there who confirmed Franklin's leave -- from 6 tonight until 12 midnight Sunday. As Franklin says -- Lt. McCulley is really fine. He said that the rules allow only a very small percentage of the men to have leave.

      Inquired about Franklin's schedule after completion of the basic training here -- and Lt. McCulley said that Franklin was due to enter special officers training, and that that was the best thing that could ever happen. It sounds wonderful to me. [Note: they were concerned about Franklin being assigned the infantry.] Franklin doesn't know anything about it, as the men are apparently kept in the dark as to what it is all about. They are getting a most rigid disciplinary training here which must be very trying at times. But Franklin is doing a good job.

      Hope you reached home safely from Hartford the other night. It was hard leaving home -- especially at this time and I miss you all very much. But for your boy and your husband it will be a very merry Christmas.

     Love to Nancy and David and to yourself.


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