Saturday, December 10, 2016

WW2 Chapter 22 - A Letter to His Sister (May 1944)

Nancy, September 1944

Although Franklin apparently wrote frequent letters to his sister, not many of those letters were saved. In the spring of 1944, Nancy was graduating from high school.


Dear Nancy,

     Have received information stating to the effect that you are no longer a "day dog" -- but a boarder. How do you like it? -- rooming with Betty?

Envelope to Nancy, May 23, 1944
        Seems that you rate a few congratulations and such. Somehow I can't quite believe that the time has come for you to graduate -- and then college next fall. Would like so much to attend the event -- or whatever in hell it is. It would also be of particular interest since I know so many of the girls in your class. (Think of all the fun I could have congratulating them all!) Seriously though -- wish I wasn't going to miss it. Hate people who are always making excuses -- so will just say that you will receive a little something (?) as soon as arrangements can be made. 
     Nan says that you were going to Nantucket with her. She's been swell to me -- writing about every day. Please send me any information that will be of particular interest -- there should be numerous "opportunities."

5/24: (Was unable to complete this last night -- was unexpectedly "called out")

     What are you planning this summer? -- the hospital, the factory; -- or perhaps you could mow the grass for Dad -- good exercise! -- and you'd certainly get that tan that you're no doubt worrying about.

     Well Nance -- best of luck! ---

Love, Franklin 

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