Tuesday, October 4, 2016

WW2 Chapter 89 - A Radio (and Promotion to Corporal)

Return address noting new rank of Corporal
(otherwise not mentioned)

Dear Dad,

     A couple days ago, one of the men and myself purchased a radio for 50 pesos. It's a five tube set, and when we got it, it was in rather poor condition -- but we put in a new tube, adjusted the coils and condensers, and tinkered with a few other "odds and ends". Then yesterday morning I took my truck and found some copper wire. It was in a dump and fortunately the insulation had been burned off. Happened to notice some insulators on a tree and by climbing on the sideboards of my truck, I was able to reach them. I got a Jap prisoner to climb a couple coconut trees -- so we now have an excellent aerial.

     Although the company radio is an "expressive" set, it only receives Leyte stations -- ours receives in addition Manila and Cebu, and late at night a couple more which I haven't yet identified. Last evening, I repaired and lacquered the case so it now almost looks like new.

     We had a very mild earthquake, the other day. Almost 4:00 AM one morning last June, we had one which bounced my cot around like a rubber ball.

     Since being in a truck company, I've tried to collect a set of my own tools. Now I have a rather complete and valuable set.
Much love,


Enclosed is a $75 money order.

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