Sunday, October 16, 2016

WW2 Chapter 77 - Machine Guns

Letter of June 1

Dear Mother,

     We've just been discussing the possibilities of the forthcoming meal. The conversation, though, is not in terms of whether the eggs are fried, boiled, or scrambled; or if the meat is beef, pork, or ham; or if the potatoes are boiled, fried, or mashed -- instead it's: -- "are the eggs fresh or powdered; is the meat c-ration, bully beef, or is it fresh; and are the potatoes dehydrated or fresh?

     Have now got 8 months back pay coming to me -- which is somewhere around $475. And for that same length of time, there is an additional $66.66 of war bonds (at maturity value).

Machine gun covering a river crossing on Leyte

     I hope when I get back to my outfit, I won't be assigned to another "position" -- such as to a machine gun. As much as I dislike the prospect, it is certainly a great weapon. During those night attacks, the deep, steady thud of the heavy machine gun was like beautiful and wonderful music to your ears -- it seemed to give out a feeling of "safety" and "security". But when it stopped, it was as if a button were pushed -- bringing to every man a sense of terrible fear.

     My buddy is making plans to be home by Christmas. A short while ago, a report came out to the effect that all men over 40 were to be discharged. He'll be 38 in August, so he expects to be in on the next "lowering".

     The news from China has been damn encouraging, of late. They've certainly been sadly neglected. Another six months will make considerable difference. And by that time, Russia ought to have completed her "summer training", and give us a little assistance. Russian assistance, though, can hardly be hoped for until after we make a landing in China.

Movie Poster

     The movie tonight is "Practically Yours" -- it ought (?) to be good.

Much love,


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