Sunday, October 30, 2016

WW2 Chapter 63 - Hospital (Part 2)

Letter of February 2


Dear Dad,

     A red-headed Red Cross girl just gave me this paper -- maybe she'll have stamped envelopes tomorrow. Was sent to the hospital a short while ago because of various infections on my feet, and for something that was called chronic diarrhea [probably amoebic dysentery]. My feet have been rather slow in "responding", so I'm now going to be served chow in bed instead of going to the mess hall for it (such luxury). This is probably the only way I'd ever get a rest -- was terribly tired when I first arrived.
     Have a swell nurse in my ward -- a cute little thing (blonde) whose home is in Bristol, Conn. (she was just as surprised as I was).
     About those chickens -- it takes time for them to lay again after going thru a period of molting. As for culling, if Dave is uncertain, the Rocks are probably the best to keep.

     Have often wondered why the coal ashes couldn't be used for making "that road" to the back lot.

     Could you get for me a safety razor? Think that there might be one at the Lake -- in that "table" in the dining room.

Much love,


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