Saturday, October 29, 2016

WW2 Chapter 64 - A Letter to Dave (and Evacuation)

Letter of February 22

Dear Snodgrass,

     So you didn't do so well in geography -- it's not important anyway.

     In my letter to Dad, I mentioned that I expected to be evacuated. Am now in the Netherlands East Indies [Indonesia] -- came by airplane. It wasn't much like that trip back in the states. Except for a couple with dysentery and infected feet, they were all litter patients [on stretchers]. Most of them were infantrymen -- there's an occasional engineer or artilleryman, etc. -- but otherwise it's all infantry.

Large map of war events, kept by Franklin's parents on kitchen wall (copy)
     Have been to quite a few places here in the Pacific. Perhaps Dad will point them out to you on the map. Hawaiian Islands, Marshall Is., Admiralty Is., Peleliu, and now Netherlands East Indies. Think I'd be able to get a good mark in your geography test of the South Seas?

     Thank you, Dave, for the birthday card and valentine -- they were pretty swell [he turned 20 on Feb. 5].

     How are the bantams -- pullet laying, yet? Your old hens should soon be laying well.

     Suppose you've been doing some skating. Would like to make for you that "skating rink" in the back yard. We used to make artificial rinks when I played hockey in school -- it's not very hard; and the temperature need only be below freezing.

Much love,


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