Wednesday, October 26, 2016

WW2 Chapter 67 - Franklin Receives Mail

Letter of March 7

Dear Mother,

    It was quite a day, yesterday -- had 48 letters. Hate to get them that way, but there's not much that can be done about it -- the important thing is to get them.

    Thank you for all the news articles -- and the many photographs that you enclosed (and Loomis bulletin) -- was particularly interested in those concerning the snow.

    The nurse came around this morning with a limited supply of clean sheets and towels. It doesn't happen often, so naturally everyone had a "story". Some tried to bribe her with that "I'd gladly mow your lawn if you had a lawn to mow" type of line.

    Was glad to note that in your report of the band popularity contest, there were none of those so-called "sweet swing" orchestras, such as Danny Kaye and Guy Lombardo and Kay Kyser.

    That's a pretty nice dog chain. Since the tags were so heavy, I had formerly been "wearing" it in my button hole -- the tags in the pocket. Am wearing this new one, with your silver plate.

    Say hello to Snodgrass. Tell him he'll soon have a letter approaching.

Much love,


P.S. Miss Hitchcock (sp?) is the name of that nurse from Bristol, Conn.

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