Friday, October 21, 2016

WW2 Chapter 72 - A Letter to his Mother (and News of Okinawa)

Letter of April 11

Dear Mother,

    Worked with an ordinance outfit yesterday -- on the other side of the island [in Indonesia] -- loading ammo into vehicles. There's one advantage to these details -- wherever we go we eat better -- much better -- than we do here.

    My sun tan is returning -- lost much of it during those many weeks in the hospital. Those atabrine pills that we take every day [to prevent malaria] turn the skin yellow -- and it's especially prominent if your skin isn't tanned.

    You must have read that the 7th division is now fighting in Okinawa. Was informed of the coming operation while I was still at Leyte -- when and where -- so you can imagine how I felt when the time came making it impossible for me to be present. However, it's most unfortunate that they have to fight with those goddamn marines.

    Now have six months pay coming to me.

    Was one of the lucky ones that worked last night. It's really amazing how you can go a night without sleep -- and still feel no "ill effects" the next day. As soon as the sun comes up, I'm O.K. Could never do it as a civilian. Actually, I suppose it's all in being able to relax -- to be able to take advantage of even just a few moments.

    Am at the Red Cross, again -- waiting on an engineer orchestra. There's a good movie tonight, but this is better.

Much love,


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