Friday, October 14, 2016

WW2 Chapter 79 - A Letter to Dave (and Their Egg Production)

Dave in 1945

Dear Snodgrass,

     Have just received your two letters of March 18th and April 5th. Noticed that you addressed the envelopes -- that's swell. Was most interested in the report of your military tactics -- where did you learn it all?

     What's the idea of calling me Birdbrain? Anyway, at least I'm not just a Burnt-Egg.

     Have been studying the egg chart which you enclosed -- the old hens seem to be doing quite well; -- and the bantams extremely well. However, you forgot to tell me how many hens you still have -- and how those pullets you hatched last year turned out.

     Heard that you set a number of bantam eggs. Will be most anxious to hear of the results. I've never seen bantam chicks, so be sure to send me some pictures of them.

     And speaking of pictures, I have some grand ones of you holding Benny and Judy; and comparing eggs. I like best the one that was taken by your home plate -- you are in your "working clothes", and are standing with your hand in your pocket.

     So, Snodgrass -- keeping a tortoise in my room, are you --- hmmm ----

     Hope you've also set some hen eggs. You have a good flock, now, which will produce excellent chicks. And from what I've been made to understand, your young rooster is a superior bird (you should get 90-100% hatch). Besides, some of those hens will be too old, so you'll need replacements.

     Did you "take care of" that boy that punched you -- I hope so. Don't ever let anyone get away with anything like that, and you'll soon build for yourself such a reputation that even the bigger and stronger boys will be afraid to bother you. Don't forget that.

     Well, Fearless Fig-newton -- your school newspaper seems to be quite a learned piece of work. I read every bit of it this morning. Naturally the story you wrote was the best -- and very humorous. Thanks so much for sending it to me. Do you have any other stories?

     I miss you too, Dave -- all the time. You're the swellest brother anyone could ever have.

Much love,


Enclosed Cartoons

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