Friday, October 7, 2016

WW2 Chapter 86 - A Letter to Dave (October 23, 1945)

Letter of October 23 with Newspaper Sketch

Dear Snodgrass,

     Received your very nice letter of October 3rd. We'll certainly have to have more races with those tractors. Was most interested in the elaborate system you devised for starting your tractor from the opposite side of the room.

     Finally managed to get another crystal for my watch; thru a "buddy who knew someone else" channel. It's amazing how that watch has continued to keep excellent time even after soaking in foxholes, swamps, rice paddies, and all -- and also with a broken crystal. Incidentally, that crystal was made from the "glass" of a wrecked plane.

     Received a letter, a couple days ago, dated last May 2nd. But then that was quite rapid -- one of the men received a valentine, and another a V-mail dated Sept. 19th 1944.

     The M.P.'s [military police] here are quite strict in regard to speeding. However, when traveling in convoy, they can't do much about it. Not long ago, an M.P. tried to cut in front of and stop one of the trucks -- but the trucks closed up and wouldn't let him in.

     Have been getting some mighty fine pictures of you, Dave; -- with your vaulting pole, Mother's pullet, and Cocky. You always have such a smile on your face, that I can almost hear you laughing.

     The enclosed sketch shows "me" with "my" truck at the docks. At the stern of the ship are the large cranes -- which explains why sideboards are so often bent, broken, and smashed. That's the same type of ship which I traveled about the Pacific in.

Much love,


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