Tuesday, November 1, 2016

WW2 Chapter 61 - Medical Treatment

Letter of January 18

Dear Mother,

    Finally got some air-mail envelopes. Have one hell of a time with stamps and envelopes – it’s so damp that it’s impossible to keep them from sticking.
    Been getting acquainted with some of the medics. Managed to develop sores and jungle rot on my arms and legs; athletes foot, ring worm, and jungle rot on my feet; impetigo on my face; -- and also dysentery [from mosquitos and from being almost constantly wet]. Even mosquito bites and scratches become infected; -- course being constantly filthy and stomping about in all those rice paddies hardly helps. Now except for my feet and arms, everything is pretty much cleared up.

    Your letter of November 20th came yesterday – enclosed was that picture of Elena – seems to be quite a pretty girl.

    Also received from you a box of cookies – which were most delicious – thanks very much.

    Learned that 969 Japanese were killed here in the last two days.

Much love,


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