Wednesday, November 16, 2016

WW2 Chapter 46 - Nancy Receives a Letter

Franklin's Sister in 1944

Wednesday Night (~11/22/44)

Dear Mother,

     I haven’t time to write anything tonight as it is very late and I have been working every minute since 8:00 when my first class began until eleven tonight only taking off ten minutes for meals. Am I tired too. I just finished my awful research paper which I have in first period tomorrow. I certainly worked hard on that paper and if I don’t get a good mark I’ll be furious. I won’t hear the results until after Xmas vacation.

     But I didn’t write to tell you all this. I got a letter from Franklin so I have enclosed it. Thought you might like to read it. Show it to Daddy too. I was so excited to hear from him I didn’t know what to do. It came through so quickly but it certainly takes a long time for him to hear from me. Hope his letters keep coming regularly.
All my love,

Nancy's Letter

Dear Nancy,

     Have just been reading your letter of the 30th of September. Probably by now you have had your week-end --- and perhaps been to Harvard.

     In case you haven’t yet heard from the folks, am now in the Philippines.

     Recently returned from a patrol to a nearby town. Although there are not many shacks, the population is evidently quite large – and making it one of the more “important” communities (was at first amazed to find a dozen and a half or so people living in one small shack).

     Have been developing a taste for coconuts – both the meat and milk. The natives are most obliging – and will often supply us with same upon request (biscuits or candy may “perhaps” be included with the deal).

     The Japanese are supposed to have excellent oil. Have been using some on my rifle – but it doesn’t seem to prevent it from rusting. Spent considerable time on it yesterday – don’t know what I’d do without a tooth brush and shaving brush to clean it with.

     Naturally all our food has been G.I. rations – K, C, B, D ---. Although the letters suggest different menus they are approximately all the same.

With love, 

Enclosed Japanese Postcards (muddy)

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