Monday, November 21, 2016

WW2 Chapter 41 - Franklin's First Letter from Combat (November 4, 1944)

Letter Home, November 4, 1944

Dear Mother and Dad,

     Except for stating that I’m now in the Philippines, I can write nothing of my actions these last several months. Concerning the “main events”, the newspapers have probably given a more complete account than I could anyway.

     It is quite hot, here -- and almost every day it rains one or more times. Unfortunately the flies, ants, mosquitoes and such are in great abundance.

     Yesterday, we went to a small stream to bathe and wash our clothes -- it felt most wonderful. The natives have a system of beating their clothes against the rocks – which I attempted to imitate – and with some success.

     Have enclosed an “equator certificate” (there’s quite a story behind its presentation); and some Japanese money that was printed for use in the Philippines.

Much love,

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