Tuesday, November 8, 2016

WW2 Chapter 54 - Capture of Bologo and Albuera

During the second week of December, Franklin's 7th Division continued their advance northward toward the recent reinforcements of the 77th, while successfully capturing the villages of Bologo and Albuera from the Japanese.

News Report, December 10
(underlined by Franklin's parents)

AP Report, Dec. 9: “Five miles south of the 77th beachhead, the north-bound Seventh Division swept beyond Palanas to seize Bologo and inland high ground north of the Tabgas river. Atop a hill in the Seventh’s sector, Al Dopking, Associated Press war correspondent, saw trapped Japanese run first toward the 77th beachhead, recoil under fire back toward the Seventh which also blasted them and sent many scurrying into wild mountain country.”

AP Report, Dec. 9: “At the same time the Seventh division to the south pushed up the coast to narrow the gap between it and the 77th to five miles, and MacArthur reported “substantial enemy forces” caught in the squeeze play were facing annihilation.”

AP Report, Dec. 10: “On the south side of the pocket, the seventh U.S. division drove forward three miles, capturing Albuera, terminus of a road crossing Leyte island from east to west.”

NYT Report, Dec. 10:
“Despite torrential tropical rainstorms, accompanied by crashing thunder, the Seventh Division captured Albuera, seven miles south of Ormoc on the coast, closing the western end of the mountain track from the eastern side of the island. Thus another large group of Japanese was trapped in the hills.”


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