Monday, November 14, 2016

WW2 Chapter 48 - The Advance Toward Ormoc

The Japanese leaders were determined to hold onto the Philippines at any cost, and they were now committing most of their remaining forces on Leyte to the western side of the island. They also continued to send in reinforcements through the western port of Ormoc, often under the cover of darkness to avoid Allied attacks. During the month of November, despite heavy losses, the enemy was able to land another 10,000 troops onto the island.

The 7th Division's next objective was to advance northward along the western side of the island to recapture Ormoc. This part of the island was especially rugged, with mountainous terrain and thick jungle vegetation.

On the evening of November 8, a major typhoon hit the island. For two days, the high winds caused flying trees and debris. Torrential rains lasted for several days afterwards, turning roadways to mud and disrupting supply lines. As a result, the 7th Division's mission was delayed and their progress became very difficult.

The Japanese were skillful defenders and took advantage of these difficult conditions. They were able to position their forces in strategic locations on ridges to allow well-planned counter-attacks on the approaching American troops.

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