Sunday, August 25, 2013

I found this post card sent to Alice Osborn from HHB from Stevens in 1906!  They were still courting at this time and were married in 1912.  This picture was taken during their courtship.  It is interesting that on their month long honeymoon to Europe that they then embarked on the Lusitania for their sea voyage home which would be Platts Mills, Naugatuck, Conn.


  1. They are rather formally dressed in the photo but I wonder if they were on a picnic. In doing some online research, RMS Lusitania was one of the world’s largest ships at the time so it must have been a great experience. The Titanic was sunk by an iceberg that same year, in April 1912, and then the Lusitania was sunk by a German U-boat in 1915.

  2. Hi Bob! I have published another photo of HHB and Alice which I think was taken on the same day. I love this one! I also understand that sometime shortly after the sinking of the Titanic (and Lusitania) there was a patent (WHB?) for a depth device was was produced by the Bristol Co. It would be interesting if anyone knows more about this.
