Tuesday, March 26, 2019

WW2 Appendix - Additional Photographs (Post 3 of 6)

Photo #11:  Dave with "Rochester."

Photo #12:  "Ready for Christmas" at home on South Street.
Photo #13:  Camp Roberts in California, December 24, 1943. While waiting for Franklin, his father was somehow allowed to tour the facility and take photos of the men in training (see Chapter 9).

Photo #14:  Men resting at Camp Roberts.

Photo #15:  Machine gun training at Camp Roberts, December 24, 1943 (see Chapters 11 and 13).

Photo #16:  Browning M1917 machine gun used in training. Some of these photos were probably not shown to Franklin's mother!

Photo #17:  Barracks at Camp Roberts, December 24, 1943.

Photo #18:  Franklin waiting in mess tent.

Photo #19:  Postcard from hotel where Franklin and his father stayed during his Christmas leave (Chapter 10). Because the hotel did not hold their reservation, they had to share a bed in a Red Cross storage room.

Photo #20:  Franklin's father would write home about their hotel room: "I wish you could have seen it. Heaps of trunks, duffle bags, helmets, gas masks, canteens and equipment of every kind."

Photo #21:  With his father on Christmas day, 1943.

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