Monday, February 23, 2015

Squirrel Lodge, Lake Quassapaug


The 3 pictures above are in response to Kate Wick's finding in her collection the glass plates for at least one of these. My pictures were left to me by my Uncle Howp and have descriptions on back of each as follows:
1.  WHB's electric launcher print from glass negative.
2.  WHB/HHB Lake Quassapaug property: 2 unidentified women sitting on porch, Rev. Richardson, holding fishing rod dangling fish in rt. hand, rod in left hand, Steven's Prof. of mechanical drawing, Franklin De R. Furman who designed sign "Squirrel Lodge." Print from glass negative.
3.  WHB/HHB "Squirrel Lodge" before sign was affixed.  People unidentified. Print from glass negative.


  1. Carolyn,
    This is the first time I have seen what Squirrel Lodge looked like -- it was somewhat larger and more formal than I had imagined. Do you know when the photos were taken?

  2. My best guess would be summer of 1900 according to the notations of Uncle Howard!
